
The university professor, Jean François Dorcé, kidnapped on Saturday in Tabarre

CTN News

Armed bandits continue their dirty work, especially in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince.

They kidnapped, Saturday, the university professor Jean François Dorcé.
He teaches at the G.O.C. University.
The kidnapping took place on the road to Tabarre, at the entrance to the hospital of Little Brothers and Sisters, not far from the premises of the U.S. Embassy in Haiti.

The kidnappers demanded 500,000 US dollars as ransom.
An amount that the family of the victim does not have.

The multiplication of kidnapping cases continues to impoverish Haitian families who never cease to denounce the laxity of the authorities in the fight against the criminals.
Human rights organizations have even denounced most of the authorities for their connivance with the thugs who systematically control several areas of the country, especially the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince.