
The United States warns Ariel Henry against any attempt to perpetuate himself in power

CTN News

The U.S. State Department is trying to redefine the role of Ariel Henry’s government. At a press conference on Friday, July 8, 2022, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere once again urged the protagonists of the Haitian crisis to find a consensus as soon as possible in order to facilitate the holding of elections as soon as possible.

“As far as our support for the government is concerned, as I have made known in the past, we believe that the role of the current government is to prepare as quickly as possible, with conviction, for elections and an improved security climate. And that its role is not to perpetuate itself in power, but to allow the Haitian people to express themselves at the ballot box. And in my conversations with the Prime Minister, he said that this is how he sees his role,” said Brian Nichols in response to a question from ZoomHaitiNews and CaribbeanTelevisionNetwork. He added, “So it will be even more important to have broad political support for advisors than in other circumstances.”

Nichols believes it is essential that the parties come together in an effort to get the country out of the mess. “We believe that an inclusive political agreement based on broad consensus among all relevant actors is essential to guide Haiti’s path through this process. The conversation between Prime Minister Henri and his 9/11 group and the Montana group, the civil society conglomerate, has been very important to help move forward.”

While Ariel Henri, Montana’s group and the other sectors are engaged in a dialogue of the deaf, the U.S. State Department is insisting on the establishment of the electoral council to carry out the upcoming elections. However, it recognizes that this will require an improvement in the security situation. He also insinuated that the next electoral council should be chosen by a president of the republic. “Crucial to achieving transparent, free and fair elections is the improvement of the security situation, which is a priority for all actors, and the selection of the members of the electoral council, so that they can begin technical preparations for the elections. And we urged the parties, and I did so directly in my conversation with the Prime Minister and the Montana group, to come together around these decisions. The process of choosing the councilors is legally the responsibility of the President.”
De facto Prime Minister Ariel Henri had recently released the names of people who would represent him in negotiations with the expanded Montana group. When asked about the choice of one of the sexually abused individuals, the U.S. diplomat said he was not aware of it. But he did call for an investigation into the allegations. “I simply have to say that I am not aware of these allegations, but it is clear that I do not condone harassment or inappropriate behavior under any circumstances, and I encourage any competent authority to investigate these allegations.”

Brian Nichols made his statements Friday during a meeting with a dozen journalists, including a ZoomHaitiNews representative. He had just participated in the fourth meeting of foreign ministers of member countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM). 17 countries and international institutions had taken part in this meeting chaired by the Chancellor of Suriname. “This high-level meeting allowed for continued discussions among more than 17 international partner countries and several international organizations to address Haiti’s security needs and to encourage Haitian actors to agree on a political agreement that will allow for elections to be held as soon as conditions permit,” according to U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere Brian Nichols

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