
The PADEINHA Party says it supports any peaceful mobilization to force the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry

CTN News

This week, anti-government demonstrations took place in Port-au-Prince and other cities in the country to denounce, among other things, the increase in the price of petroleum products, insecurity and demand the departure of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. These demonstrations ended in acts of looting and burning.

The Democratic Party of Haitian Integration (PADEINHA) is against these acts while calling on the population to start peaceful movements instead until the final victory.

The president of the Democratic Party of Haitian Integration, Jean Daniel Charles encourages the population to continue the mobilization in a peaceful manner to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry while condemning the attacks orchestrated against some political leaders close to power. These are Edmonde Supplice Beausile and André Michel whose homes were looted and ransacked in the area of Thomassin.

PADEINHA takes this opportunity to present its sympathies to all the victims of these protests.

Jean Daniel Charles maintains that violence will not help the country get out of the impasse it has been in for years.

However, he encourages the population to assume its responsibilities by occupying the streets in a peaceful manner until Prime Minister Ariel Henry decides to step down.
For Jean Daniel Charles, Prime Minister Ariel Henry provoked the population when he decided to increase the price of fuel. In addition to this, he intends to establish a curfew to quell the popular mobilization.

PADEINHA invites the population to rise up against any dictatorial practice.