SOS for Pernier: 10:00 PM, the Vitelhomme gang has been conducting a looting operation for several hours this Sunday, in the Fatima area

CTN News

Several heavily armed bandits of the Vitelhomme gang are conducting a looting operation in Pernier this Sunday evening not far from the Catholic Church of Fatima, we learned. Heavy gunfire was heard, according to local residents.
The gangsters broke into several businesses and left with lots of goods. They also set fire to several others. Still according to testimonies of the inhabitants of the zone, the bandits barricaded and completely blocked the access to the forces of order to be able to commit their crime.
Several agents of the BOID and other specialized units of the PNH have taken up position at the sub-precinct of Pernier, in this area commonly called Carrefour Pernier. We have no information on the measures taken by the police to disperse the bandits and put an end to their operation.

Given the darkness that reigns in this locality, the police apparently want to avoid any blind progression in order not to expose their lives to the thugs who have mastered the terrain perfectly well.
The inhabitants of the locality of Pernier are confronted with a situation of terror since Saturday May 14, 2022 with the invasion of the members of the Vithelomme gang. The damages are considerable. A service station was burned. The premises of the Fatima church were ransacked while the respomsables were holding a mass.

The inhabitants of Pernier and the surrounding areas are calling for help.
