Haiti-Security: Two police officers arrested for illegal drug trafficking MAY 11, 2022

CTN News

The Haitian National Police informs that two police officers on duty, named DESIRE James and JEAN LOUIS Fabert, were arrested this Tuesday, May 10, 2022, in the north of the country, more precisely in Limbé, for illegal drug trafficking.

According to the details of the police institution, the two PNH agents were about to go to Cap-Haitian, aboard a Nissan Patrol vehicle, white color, registered: LO-03666, having in their possession 352 kg of dry straw related to marijuana; a sum of 35, 985 gourdes, 2 pistols brand taurus, 9mm caliber belonging to the PNH, 29 cartridges of 9mm caliber, and 2 magazines of 9mm caliber.

The PNH indicates that the file is currently at the North detachment of the Bureau de Lutte contre le Trafic des stupéfiants (BLTS) for judicial follow-up.
