
Haiti-Insecurity : Policewoman Joseph Nadège murdered in Clercine 2

CTN News

Armed gangs continue to sow death within the Haitian National Police. A new armed attack orchestrated against members of the HNP, this Sunday, December 11, 2022, in Clercine 2, has resulted in one dead and one wounded, respectively the policewoman Joseph Nadège and the police officer Bellume Johny, husband of the deceased, who is currently receiving treatment in hospital.

The couple, who work for the PNH, were attacked by armed individuals as they were about to go to the PNH headquarters in Clercine.

Joseph Nadège, from the 30th promotion of the PNH died on the spot from her injuries while her husband Bellume Jhony, from the 27th promotion of the police institution was injured, confirms the National Union of Haitian Police Officers (SYNAPOHA).
52 police officers were shot and killed from January 1 to December 11, 2022, by armed bandits, says the National Union of Haitian Police (SYNAPOHA).