Dany Laferrière and his effigy at the Grévin Museum in Paris

CTN News

The grandson of the grandmother Da from L’Odeur du Café will make his entrance in the famous Grévin Museum in Paris, which will be 140 years old this year.
From February 2, the effigy of Dany Laferriere will be exhibited at the Grévin of the city of lights. It must be said that he already had a representation of him at the Montreal Grévin, which closed its doors permanently on September 16, 2021 because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
For the realization of this work of art, the artist sculptor Claus Velte and the teams of the Grévin workshops took 6 months to work hard together with the Little Goat. The latter had to be present at every step of the creation of his effigy, sitting in an armchair, holding a book by his favorite writer, Borges.

At the exhibition, Dany Laferrière is placed near Jean D’Ormesson and Bernard Pivot. Dany Laferrière continues to make history. He had his entrance to the French Academy on December 12, 2013.
