Nippes (Miragoâne): Solidarity demonstration at CG Muscadin

CTN News

With Dieuva Occidor, from Miragoâne

Following rumors announcing the transfer of Miragoâne Jurisdiction Commissioner Jean Ernest Muscadin to the jurisdiction of Jacmel, nearly a thousand people demonstrated from Fonds des nègres to Miragoâne this Wednesday, May 31, 2023 as a sign of solidarity with Commissioner Jean Ernest Muscadin.

The demonstrators, armed with tree leaves and accompanied by a musical float providing entertainment all along the route, showed their appreciation for the work of the chief prosecutor of the Miragoane jurisdiction.

Hostile comments were made by the demonstrators against Prime Minister Ariel Henry and Minister of Justice and Public Security Emmelie Prophète, whom they accuse of unfair maneuvers to transfer the Miragoane CG to Jacmel. This, they say, would turn the south of Haiti into a new lost territory, in the words of the Minister of Justice.

The government commissioner at the Miragoane court of first instance is known for his relentless fight against bandits.
He has always declared that the Nippes department will remain a cemetery for caïds.
Several alleged bandits have already been arrested by Commissioner Muscadin, who has become very popular throughout the country.
