Tag: ayiti

The Cultural Association for the Social Emancipation of Haiti (ACESH) launches the 1st edition of “SINEMA TOUPATOU NAN LEKÒL

The Cultural Association for the Social Emancipation of Haiti (ACESH) launched the…

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Viza Ameriken Marjory Michel anile li te blije kite yon vòl Spirit, daprè Referans FM

Marjory Michel, manm sektè demokratik ak popilè a, te blije kite yon…

CTN News CTN News

Arestasyon biznisman Joël Khawly: PNH bay detay

 Lapolis Nasyonal Ayiti te bay detay samdi apremidi sou arestasyon puisan biznisman…

CTN News CTN News

Mondyal foutbòl: Ministè Kilti ak Kominikasyon entèdi retransmisyon match sou rezo sosyal yo

 Ministè Kilti ak Kominikasyon enfòme medya k ap rertransmèt mondyal 2022 a,…

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