
The PNH extends its sympathies to the family of Romelson Vilcin and gives its own version of events

CTN News

The General Direction of the Haitian National Police has presented its sympathies to the family of journalist Romelson Vilcin, members of the press, especially those of Jim Studio, Zenyèz TV and radio Generation 80, as well as to all those affected by this unexpected disappearance. The journalist Romelson Vilcin died after being hit by a tear gas grenade to the head, thrown by one of the police officers of the police station of Dellmas 33 during the day of Sunday, October 30, 2022

In a note published on the Facebook page of the police institution, the Director General of the Haitian National Police, Frantz Elbé said he learned with great sorrow the sad news of the death of journalist Romelson Vilcin occurred at the Bernard Mevs Hospital as a result of injuries caused by a canister of tear gas, during the intervention of law enforcement officers to control a hostile crowd entering the police station of Delmas 33.

According to the number 1 of the PNH, despite the efforts of the police officers of the police station to urgently transport the journalist to the hospital, Romelson Vilcin did not survive.

A version of events retouched by the police institution to reduce their responsibility in the death of the journalist according to more than one. According to several journalists who were present at the event before being brutally chased away by the officers, the journalist was killed inside the police station. Law enforcement officers even prevented a delegation from the Fondasyon Je Klere from going to the police station following the news of the journalist’s death, explained Marie Yolène Gilles on radio Regard FM.

As usual to calm the spirits, the Director General of the Haitian National Police Frantz Elbé announced the opening of an investigation by the General Inspectorate of the PNH around this unfortunate incident to determine the circumstances and determine responsibilities.
Meanwhile, the Haitian press is still waiting impatiently for the results of the investigation on the death of photo journalist Vladimir Legagneur and Maxiben Lazare. The latter was assassinated on the road to the airport by the police, according to witnesses. It should be noted that other journalists have been assaulted and brutalized by the forces of order in the exercise of their duties.

It is in this context that the general direction of the Haitian National Police renews its commitment to continue to guarantee order, security and public tranquility through the protection of lives and property, while reiterating its commitment to freedom of the press and respect for human rights, said the note from the director general of the PNH.