
Open letter to President Luis Abinader and his Government

CTN News

Open letter to President Luis Abinader and his Government
Dear Mr. President,
My approach in sending you this open letter may seem inappropriate since I am not your Haitian counterpart. However, since there is no such person, and since no voice from the de facto government in Haiti is being heard on the mistreatment of Haitian nationals (legal or not) in your country, I have decided to inform you of the indignation of Haitian citizens both in the Dominican Republic and in Haiti.
Mr. President, these revolting actions of the military and immigration agents in your country, demonstrate the rare human incompetence of the Dominican people at the highest level.
All the peoples of the world understand with regret that in moments of crisis or difficult socio-economic situations, illegal immigrants arrive on their territories. But only the Dominican people and government act with such folly.
This is even worse when we know that the Dominican Republic is led by a president who studied in one of the greatest American universities but who, unfortunately, does not seem to be able to scientifically address the problems of immigration and the notion of solidarity between the two peoples of the island.
I do not wish to arrogate to myself the right to question the quality of education at Harvard University but rather your academic and humanitarian achievements.
I would be remiss, Mr. President, if I did not remind you that despite the distortion that the unhealthy actions of your government towards Haitian immigrants, causes between the two peoples, the hundreds of Dominican prostitutes who are on Haitian territory in search of opportunities in the sex tourism sector, are not subject to any reprisals or regrettable acts.
This testifies to the civility and high human competence of this people that you humiliate because of their difficult conditions of existence.
I hope that you will instruct the Dominican immigration to deport the illegal Haitian immigrants without touching their human dignity or their fundamental rights.
Journalist, Entrepreneur
Law Researcher

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