
Northeast: Back to school at the heart of a concertation table

CTN News

At the initiative of officials of the Northeast Departmental Directorate of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (DDNE-MENFP), a consultation table was held Monday, October 31, 2022, at the Basic School of Application and Pedagogical Support Center (EFACAP) of Fort-Liberté.

Following the invitation of the DDNE-MENFP officials, a meeting was held in the presence of, among others, the executives of the institution and professionals of the education system, the departmental director of the Haitian National Police (PNH), Marc André Cadostin as well as notables from the various communes of this department.

On this occasion, the #1 MENFP in the Northeast Joseph Edgard Dumay and other members of the institution, wanted to reflect on new alternatives to adopt in order to facilitate the reopening of classes this year. Several points were discussed including the issue of fuel scarcity which, according to the departmental director is the main element that prevents the resumption of school activities on the national territory denying however the claims of the population who demand the resignation of the de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry from power.

After the exchanges, no decision was taken. However, Joseph Edgard Dumay, announces the continuation of talks between the concerned actors in order to find in a short time the necessary means to allow the educational apparatus of the North-East to resume service through the school institutions of this department.

Finally, the DDNE of the MENFP reiterates the will and determination of Minister Nesmy Manigat, who he says is working with the rest of the government to make the start of the school year operational throughout the country.

Despite the reopening “ti pa ti pa” announced by the holder of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training, the doors of schools remained closed throughout the national territory.
