Haití volvió a estar en el centro del debate en el Congreso de Estados Unidos el jueve
El Secretario de Estado Adjunto para el Hemisferio Occidental, Brian A. Nichols,…
Le dossier d’Haïti était une nouvelle fois au centre des débats au Congrès américain, ce jeudi
L’assistant-secrétaire d'Etat pour l'hémisphère Ouest, Brian A. Nichols, a indiqué jeudi que…
Haiti was once again at the center of the debate in the U.S. Congress on Thursday
The Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere Brian A. Nichols…
“Fritz Jean e Steven Benoit são as melhores pessoas para liderar a transição”, diz a ex-embaixadora Pamela White
Pamela A. White acredita que o Acordo de Montana é a melhor…
“Fritz Jean and Steven Benoit are the best people to lead the transition,” says former Ambassador Pamela White
Pamela A. White believes that the Montana Accord is the best formula…