
218th of the victory of the Battle of Vertières: “The Haitian defacto Prime Minister Wants to rewrite history

Emmanuel Paul
Emmanuel Paul - Journalist/ Storyteller

Haiti commemorated, this Thursday, November 18, 2021, the 218 years of the battle of Vertières which led to the independence of the country and suddenly become the first black state of modern times. “On this 218th anniversary of the Battle of Vertières, the time has come for us Haitians to remake history in another form” declared Prime Minister Ariel Henry during the commemorative ceremony, held at the pantheon museum national (Mupanah) in the presence in particular of members of the ministerial cabinet, senior officers of the PNH and the Haitian armed forces.

“The Battle of Vertières on November 18, 1803 is the culmination of the desire to be free. The victory of the native troops over the Napoleonic army opened the way to independence and national sovereignty, ”recalls the head of government, indicating that despite the antagonisms which set them against each other, slaves and freedmen; black and mulatto, they had the intelligence to opt for the union and the “tèt ansanm”.

In a context marked by a serious political, economic and social crisis, Prime Minister Ariel Henry believes that the transcendence of 1803 should be the watchword today that guides the actions of the political class and civil society. Because, according to Dr. Ariel Henry, the country will not be able to face the problems of the hour with political actors who play the double game.

“For some time now, I have made dialogue with social and political organizations my hobbyhorse” underlined the 71-year-old surgeon, affirming that this approach has enabled him to reach a broad consensus, a political agreement for effective governance. and appeased. All the benefits will be profitable for the population, promised the head of the prime minister’s office.

For Dr Ariel Henry, it is an obligation for the country to re-edit 1803 because of the emergencies and the problems facing the population. The victory of the Battle of Vertières is a symbol of will, courage, solidarity and national unity.

To find an amicable solution, the chief executive maintains that the actors involved in the crisis must transcend their quarrels and make enormous sacrifices by uniting in order to build a country worthy of the dream of our ancestors, citing in particular François Capois , Jean Jacques Dessalines and Henry Christophe.