Tag: association

The Cultural Association for the Social Emancipation of Haiti (ACESH) launches the 1st edition of “SINEMA TOUPATOU NAN LEKÒL

The Cultural Association for the Social Emancipation of Haiti (ACESH) launched the…

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Journalist Hansy Mars has passed away

Journalist Hansy Mars died this Friday, October 7, 2022 in the United…

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Resumption of criminal trials in Miragoâne: An initiative welcomed by actors of justice

The criminal trials without jury assistance that were interrupted in the jurisdiction…

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Un membre du gang de “Ti Lapli” parmi des personnes arrêtées dans le département des Nippes

La police dans les Nippes a présenté ce vendredi 15 juillet 2022,…

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A member of the “Ti Lapli” gang among those arrested in the Nippes department

The police in Nippes presented this Friday, July 15, 2022, the results…

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