
Pétion-ville: Distribution of school books by EducNation to a hundred children

CTN News

At the National High School in Pétion-ville, two social organizations, RJAAD-Haiti and EducNation, went on Saturday, December 10, 2022, to distribute school kits to needy children on the occasion of the resumption of school activities for the academic year 2022-2023.

This distribution is part of the eighth edition of the program “Back To School” launched by EducNation to continue to support vulnerable families.

The distribution was carried out in coordination with the youth grouping for sustainable development in Haiti RJAAD-Haiti in the presence of actors of the Haitian educational system.

The school kits are envelopes containing suitcases, pencils, pens, books, and notebooks. These accessories are essential to schoolchildren for a better learning, says Rolph Woodly DERIVAL, member of EducNation who took the opportunity to present the various projects being implemented to relieve parents economically.

“We are deeply affected by the social and economic situation of the population, that’s why we decided to go to the field to make our contribution” added Rolph Woodly DERIVAL.

Despite the social and economic crisis that prevails in Haiti, EducNation intends to intensify its efforts to ensure that all children can enjoy their right to education.
This is a satisfaction for Etienne Marie Berthilde, a parent, who took part in the ceremony of delivery of these school kits. She hopes that the government authorities will take concrete action by providing sufficient funding to enable children to go to school.

“We thank EducNation and RJAAD-Haiti for distributing school kits to our children to enable them to start the new academic year 2022-2023,” said parents who received the kits.

The suitcases that were distributed to the children are made in Haiti, according to Francis Steeve Phaton, an executive of EducNation who reaffirms the commitment of the organization to support Haitian artisans to promote local production and consumption.

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