Discovery of containers of weapons and ammunition: Gina Jean Louis Rolls arrested by the Police

CTN News

The Haitian National Police informed this Friday, July 15, 2022, that they have arrested Gina Jean Louis Rolls who was wanted by the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ) for her alleged involvement in the importation of a shipment of weapons and ammunition seized at the port of Port-au-Prince this week.
Mrs. Gina Jean Louis Rolls is presented as a “Broker” by profession, responsible for facilitating the clearance of containers of more than twenty weapons including 19 assault rifles, 140 magazines of weapons of different calibers and more than 14,600 rounds of ammunition according to the PNH.
However, Gina Jean Louis Rolls denies being involved in arms and ammunition trafficking activities in the country, stating that she was not aware that these materials and ammunition were hidden there, reports the PNH.
18 automatic weapons, more than 20,000 rounds of ammunition and 120 magazines were discovered during the search of a container at the Port-au-Prince port on Wednesday. In addition to 50,000 counterfeit U.S. dollars.
A shipment, supposedly destined for the Episcopal Church of Haiti. The government commissioner of the capital, Me Jacques Lafontant, confirmed this to journalists. He promised to track down the arms traffickers, regardless of their rank or affiliation ….
It must be said that the Episcopal Church of Haiti has denied the ownership of these devices of war. The religious entity denounces unfounded rumors associating it with the importation of illegal weapons and ammunition. It claims not to have ordered any containers and not to have undertaken any customs clearance at the Port-au-Prince customs office ….. A case that is likely to make a lot of noise…..
This is the third major seizure of firearms and ammunition in the country in the space of two (2) weeks.
25,000 rounds of ammunition of various calibers of weapons were seized in Port-de-Paix during the night of July 12 to 13, 2022, on board a bus that was preparing to travel to Port-au-Prince. One person was apprehended.
On July 1, 2022, police and judicial authorities in the city of Port-de-Paix seized 120,000 rounds of ammunition at the city’s wharf, distributed in 157 boxes, including 114,000 rounds of 5.56 caliber ammunition, 2,000 rounds of 9mm caliber ammunition, and 4,000 rounds of 7.62 caliber ammunition.
This case led to the dismissal and arrest of the government commissioner Michelet Virgile for serious administrative errors. A warrant was issued for the Deputy Director of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Fritz Aubourg. Other people are actively sought by the police.
Newly installed as Director General of Customs to replace Romel Bell, accused of corruption and arms trafficking, Julcène Edouard said he has set to work to provide appropriate responses despite the fact that he is aware of the weakness of the general administration of customs in the fight against the importation of weapons and ammunition.

He said he wants to strengthen customs controls.

Julcène Edouard is counting on the collaboration of AGD employees whom he intends to mobilize in the application of the government’s roadmap, which includes economic missions of protection and taxation
