Latest English News

New Attack by “Viv Ansanm” in Kenscoff: Two Haitian Armed Forces Officers Injured

The commune of Kenscoff has once again been targeted by the armed…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

A “Disgusting” Message from the White House to Immigrants on Valentine’s Day

For those who believed that leading the United States was the most…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

The United States Begins Deporting Asian and African Migrants to Panama

The Trump administration wasted no time turning words into action. After convincing…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

Over 400 Victims, Including 106 Deaths in Less Than Four Years: The Deadly Consequences of the Texas Governor’s Immigration Policy

  The strict immigration policy of Texas’ Republican government has led to…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

Haiti Under Siege: General Hospital Goes Up in Flames Amid Widespread Violence

The State University of Haiti Hospital (Hôpital de l'Université d'État d'Haïti –…

Mederson Alcindor Mederson Alcindor