
Assassination of President Jovenel Moise, insecurity, establishment of a transitional government in Haiti: The U.S. State Department raises its voice

Emmanuel Paul
Emmanuel Paul - Journalist/ Storyteller

The U.S. State Department intends to do everything possible to ensure that the perpetrators and co-perpetrators of the assassination of former President Jovenel Moise are held accountable for their actions. Statements made by a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department in a written interview with ZoomHaitiNews on the visit of the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) at the U.S. Department of State Anne Witkowsky.

According to a spokesperson for the State Department, the United States will continue to support a thorough and independent investigation into the assassination of the former Haitian head of state “in accordance with Haitian law and international standards of rule of law.” When asked about CNN’s revelations about the possible involvement of Prime Minister Ariel Henri in the “planning and execution” of the crime, the U.S. official responded, “We want those who planned, financed and executed the assassination of President Moïse to be held accountable.” The Spokesperson believes it is important that there be a transparent process and resolution of this investigation to demonstrate that the perpetrators of such heinous crimes cannot escape justice.” She pledges the full support of the U.S. government for the successful completion of the investigation.

“A broad consensus for the Elections”

During her visit to Haiti, the Assistant Secretary of State held working sessions with de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henri as well as the protagonists of the Montana Agreement. Discussions focused on the elections, the security situation, and the stability of Haiti. The United States opts for a broad consensus between the various Haitian actors for the organization of elections.

Here is the full transcript of the ZoomHaitiNews interview with one of the State Department spokespersons regarding the visit to Haiti of the Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) at the U.S. State Department Anne Witkowsky.

ZoomHaitiNews: Besides Prime Minister Ariel Henry and the Montana group, who else did she meet with?

Department of State: The Assistant Secretary also met with a diverse range of Haitian stakeholders – including civil society and women leaders – to reinforce the U.S. government’s long-term commitment to the Haitian people in promoting stability and long-term development, and to discuss U.S. support for Haitian solutions to the challenges facing the country.

ZoomHaitiNews: In a recent interview we had with Senior Advisor Jon Pieshowski, he said, “The conditions are not right for elections” right now. Has the Deputy Secretary discussed elections with Prime Minister Henri? With the Montana group?

ZoomHaitiNews: When does the Assistant Secretary think elections could be held so that Haiti can have a more stable government?

Department of State: In her meetings with Prime Minister Henri and the Montana group, Assistant Secretary Witkowsky discussed the need for long-term stabilization, and continued U.S. encouragement of dialogue among all Haitians to achieve a broad political consensus leading to elections.

ZoomHaitiNews: What is the Assistant Secretary’s assessment of the situation in Haiti with regard to gang violence? Insecurity? Did she see any improvement during her visit to Haiti?

Department of State: One very clear message we heard from people at all levels of Haitian society is the real concern about security in Port-au-Prince and throughout the country.  The United States shares this concern about the growing insecurity in Haiti and its effects on all aspects of life.

The Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) provides capacity building assistance to the Haitian National Police (HNP) to support the development of the HNP as a professional and accountable institution.  INL provides subject matter experts, training, and equipment to help the HNP improve the security of Haiti’s citizens.

We recognize that improving the security situation in Haiti is of paramount importance to all Haitians.  That is why the Ministry has provided long-term support to strengthen law enforcement and the HNP’s ability to maintain peace and stability.

ZoomHaitiNews: The Montana group recently organized a couple of indirect elections with the participation of most civil society organizations.  They elected a president and a prime minister. Is it possible that the State Department is supporting the Montana group in its efforts to install a transitional government?

ZoomHaitiNews: It is reported that the Assistant Secretary of State has asked Prime Minister Henri and the Montana group to work together to resolve the Haitian crisis. Has she seen any sign that these parties will reach an agreement?

Department of State: Since the assassination of President Moïse, we have consistently called on all Haitian stakeholders to reach agreement on a unified path to free and fair elections when conditions permit.  We continue to work with current Haitian officials, including Prime Minister Henry, to address Haiti’s most critical needs, including security, post-disaster reconstruction, and COVID-19 vaccinations.

The U.S. Government does not promote or advocate for any candidate or political party in the Haitian political process; the decision of who leads Haiti rests firmly with the Haitian people.  When elections can be held, the United States stands ready to assist Haiti’s electoral process and to continue to provide support to the government.

ZoomHaitiNews: Are there any plans to meet with the Prime Minister and the Montana group in the near future?

State Department: The U.S. government will continue to engage all relevant actors in Haiti to encourage them to find a way out of the political impasse.

ZoomHaitiNews: It has been seven months since the assassination of President Jovenel Moise. The State Department is very involved in the investigation. When can we expect a preliminary result of the investigation?

Department of State: The United States has supported a thorough and independent investigation into the assassination of President Moise in accordance with Haitian law and international rule of law standards.  We want those who planned, funded, and executed the assassination of President Moïse to be held accountable.  The Haitian people need to see a transparent process and resolution of this investigation to demonstrate that the perpetrators of such heinous crimes cannot escape justice. U.S. government law enforcement is assisting Haitian authorities in this investigation.  We refer you to the Department of Justice for more information. We refer you to the Government of Haiti for additional details regarding its ongoing investigation into the assassination of President Moïse.

ZoomHaitiNews: CNN released a recording of the judge working on the investigation confirming that Prime Minister Ariel Henri “was involved in the planning and execution of the assassination of the President.” Did the assistant secretary discuss this with Prime Minister Ariel Henri?

ZoomHaitiNews: Why, despite all the allegations regarding Prime Minister Henri, does the State Department continue to support him?

State Department: The United States has supported a thorough and independent investigation into the assassination of President Moïse, in accordance with Haitian law and international standards of rule of law.  We want those who planned, financed, and executed the assassination of President Moïse to be held accountable.  The Haitian people need to see a transparent process and resolution of this investigation to demonstrate that those who committed such heinous crimes cannot escape justice.

We continue to work with current Haitian officials to address Haiti’s most critical needs, including security, post-disaster reconstruction, and COVID-19 vaccination.