Her U.S. visa revoked, Marjory Michel was disembarked from a Spirit flight, according to Référence FM

Emmanuel Paul
Emmanuel Paul - Journalist/ Storyteller

Marjory Michel, member of the Democratic and Popular Sector, was denied boarding on Friday, November 25 on a Spirit flight to the United States. The information was revealed by Radio Référence FM.

Ms. Michel was preparing to enter the United States. “The crew members ordered her to get off the plane and to contact the American consulate,” said Référence FM, citing a source close to the case.

The visa of the former minister for women’s affairs would have been revoked, added the media of the city of independence (Gonaives).

Marjory Michel confirmed for Référence FM that she had to abandon the trip at the last minute. She said she received a call reminding her of an important meeting the same day at 2pm,” said RTR.

In a post on her Facebook page, Marjorie Michel denied the revelations, calling them “false …”

The U.S. administration has decided to sanction several Haitian personalities for financing armed gangs, for some, and illicit drug trafficking for others.

The visas of some of them have been revoked. Other measures will also be adopted, according to a statement issued by the State Department a few weeks ago.

More than 50 people would be affected by the sanctions. But only the names of the president of the third of the Haitian Senate, Joseph Lambert, former Senator Youri Latortue, Fedenel Monchery, Joseph Richard Duplan, and Jimmy Chérizier were published on the website of the U.S. Treasury Department.

Canada has also announced sanctions against several personalities including former President Michel Joseph Martelly, former Prime Ministers Laurent Lamothe and Jean Henry Céant, Senators Rosny Célestin and Hervé Fourcand and former member of congress (Haitian parliament)  Garry Bodeau.

The Trudeau administration accuses these former and current Haitian officials of financing acts of violence in Haiti. They have all maintained their innocence, denouncing an attempt by the Canadian government to assassinate their “character.
