Seizure of weapons in Port-de-Paix: Robinson Pierre Louis placed under arrest

CTN News

The office of financial and economic affairs of the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ) proceeded this Friday, July 22, 2022, to the arrest of the Secretary General of the Bar Association of Port-au-Prince, Mr. Robinson Pierre Louis in the context of the seizure of a large shipment of weapons and ammunition at the Port-de-Paix customs on July 1, 2022.

Mr. Robinson Pierre Louis was arrested for having participated in the illegal release of two people who had been apprehended for their involvement in the trafficking of arms and ammunition.

After the government commissioner of Port-de-Paix, Mr. Michelet Virgile, who himself had executed the order of release, Mr. Robinson Pierre Louis is the second lawyer to be arrested in this case.

According to a source close to the case, Robinson Pierre Louis is a member of the cabinet of the Minister of Justice, Berto Dorcé. While some reports suggest that the two alleged traffickers were released on the orders of the Secretary General of the Bar Association of Port-au-Prince.

Another executive of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Fritz Aubourg, is actively sought by the DCPJ, which is determined to re-establish the truth about the seizure of 120,000 rounds of ammunition in 157 boxes, three handguns (two 9 mm pistols and a 38 caliber revolver), 30 magazines and 20 cases of Ak-47 rifles, as well as 3,890 US dollars and 814,343 gourdes, all of which were seized at the Port-de-Paix customs office.
These materials were discovered on board the ship Miss Lili, which had provided transport from Florida (USA).

It should be recalled that the police have also issued three search notices against suspected traffickers of weapons and ammunition named Marie Guirlène Estimable, Wilfrid Estimable and Eddy Lafrance who were released a few hours after the seizure of this shipment of weapons and ammunition.

