
With HDPAC, The Unity is strength for real

CTN News

By: Peter U. Mayas
Lawyer, co-founder,
Haitian Diaspora Political Committee (HDPAC) The state, in any sense, cannot be reduced to one man or one group. Past experience has taught us that personal power and dictatorship only serve to stifle the hope of the people. Even today, it is alarming that politicians have segmented the country and left us with a sectarian division. All we are left with is a fragile, dismantled and divided country. Haiti is no longer a state. No relevant institutions that reflect the presence of a state exist in Haiti. The structure of state institutions has been completely demolished in the last 30 years.
Today, we rely totally on foreigners. Haiti is like a little baby that gets milk from its mother, the United States; a bed from its father, France; and water from its cousin, Canada.
Sorry for the caricature, but we know very well that the decisions on the future of Haiti reside in the embassies of these three countries. They decide everything and they install governments in Haiti when they want and they find open arms politicians and the economic cartel as conspirators in this crime against the destiny of 12 million people.
Recent events such as the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, the rise of banditry and the total bankruptcy of the state structure have created a deep void for gravediggers like Dr. Ariel Henry and his cronies who continue to maintain this graveyard for the Haitian people.

To remedy this lamentable situation, actors from different social strata must show their good faith by joining forces to pull the country out of the bog. In this sense, it is urgent to launch this call for national unity.
While welcoming the various initiatives and/or steps aimed at resolving the crisis, it is vital that all the initiators of all the agreements surpass themselves to put Haiti in the front row.

Among these various agreements is the one of August 30, signed in Montana, commonly known as the “Montana Agreement”, which would like to impose itself as the one and only agreement, despite its consensual deficits and despite the fact that some of the men behind this agreement are not entirely in the odor of sanctity with respect to the descent into hell of the country over the last three decades.

The heart of the Diaspora, which has been beating strong and feeding the country with its financial blood for so long, decided to take a step towards real change by forming a group of talented and courageous people to revive the country in all its greatness.

Born in the United States, the Haitian Diaspora Political Action Committee (HDPAC) is the new actor who would like to merge these agreements into one that will bring together all the forces to achieve the change so desired by all.
HDPAC envisions a mobilization of talent and financial resources to make the Haitian Diaspora’s voice heard by informing the white settlers that we are capable and determined to plant the intellectual and organizational seeds in the Haitian renaissance.
HDPAC’s commitment is to open dialogue with the U.S., France and Canada around various agreements (the Montana Accord, the September 11 Accord (of Prime Minister Ariel Henry) and all others by incorporating the Haitian Diaspora into a total and complete reform.

To achieve this goal, HDPAC will organize a summit in January 2022 in Port-au-Prince with all stakeholders who want to reach a consensual and definitive agreement to rebuild the Haitian state.
To achieve its objective, HDPAC will rely on the competence of men and women, Haitians and non-Haitians, who are concerned and lucid about the structural problems facing Haiti.
HDPAC is not a lobby group, but rather a think tank. Its task is to present informative reports after consultation and debate, to solve societal problems that have plagued this country for 200 years.
HDPAC knows the political actors in Haiti, the U.S., France and Canada. He does not believe that only these three countries have the tangible solutions to extricate Haiti from this labyrinth, but also with other countries such as China, Russia, Turkey as emerging actors on the Haitian political scene.
Like a child far from its mother who needs milk to feed itself, the Haitian diaspora carries in its heart the desire to contribute to the future of their beloved country. It is in this line that the HDPAC strives to gather the greatest number of its fellow citizens and foreign influencers with the sole purpose of mobilizing the imperialist conscience, if it is possible, to direct Haiti towards another destiny.

Can we dream that this group will finally succeed in this great challenge, that of bringing together all the sons and daughters of the country regardless of their social class, political affiliation and religion to make this country the true pearl of the Antilles?

The pessimists can, a priori, predict the failure of this group. However, HDPAC will succeed in meeting this challenge thanks to the efforts and multiple skills of the men and women in its ranks.
That is why HDPAC has men from all sectors: political, economic, military, social, etc. These visionaries are now positioned at the crossroads of the country’s history in the face of its future and carry in their hands real solutions to remove Haiti from the current stagnation that compromises its future. Conquering change, HDPAC is the only group equipped with all the tools to demolish this cancerous building and to build a strong and equitable society.
HDPAC will hold a major meeting around this summit next January, bringing together all the reports and all the men and women committed to this struggle for Haiti’s future. HDPAC aligns itself with all those who want a tangible solution and distances itself from all those who cling to a dogmatic line, because no particular report has all the answers to the harmful questions that are wracking Haitian political life.
By respecting and adhering to our beautiful motto. “Union is Strength”, HDPAC is already embarking on this struggle to converge all camps towards a lasting solution to this great crisis that is undermining the motherland. This is our mission within the group.

Peter U. Mayas
Lawyer and Co-Founder of the HDPAC Group