The Haitian National Police arrested the alleged gang leader Etienne Wesley and five of his accomplices in Saint Michel de L’Attalaye in the locality of “Savane carré” during an operation carried out in the morning of July 23, 2022 by the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police and several other units including the Research and Intervention Brigade, the Brigade of Fight against the theft of vehicles among others.
This intervention was carried out following the kidnapping of Judeline Delva on Sunday, July 17, 2022 and was released on Thursday evening, July 21. The act was committed by the gang led by Etienne Wesley, according to the PNH.
The latter was arrested by law enforcement officers. A young woman (Joseph Louise Marie alias Kerline) accomplice of the gang leader was also arrested by the police.
Joseph Louise Marie alias Kerline was in charge of watching the victim while the gang leader tortured the victim with a lighted candle to force her parents to pay a ransom for her release. A video found by law enforcement on the gang leader’s phone confirmed the atrocity suffered by the victim.
For the moment, the gang leader Etienne Wesley and his accomplices Josephe Louise Marie Alias Kerline, Libonet Dor (Ougan) Gesneau Sanon and Julien Clervoyant) are being held in custody at the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police for legal follow-up.