Tag: crisis

worried by Daniel Foote stance on Haiti, the U.S. State Department wants to silence him

While the United States is accused of having a share of responsibility…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

La Conferencia Episcopal de Haití (CEH) describe la situación haitiana como un descenso al infierno

"El momento que vivimos es extremadamente grave y particularmente decisivo en este…

CTN News CTN News

The Episcopal Conference of Haiti (CEH), describes the Haitian situation as a descent into hell

"The hour we are living is extremely serious and particularly decisive at…

CTN News CTN News

Haití volvió a estar en el centro del debate en el Congreso de Estados Unidos el jueve

El Secretario de Estado Adjunto para el Hemisferio Occidental, Brian A. Nichols,…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

Haiti was once again at the center of the debate in the U.S. Congress on Thursday

The Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere Brian A. Nichols…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul