Tag: central

La Police nationale recherche le présumé assassin de Thaîca Dorvil

Thaïca Dorvil, âgée de 25 ans, est cette demoiselle dont le corps…

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The National Police is looking for the alleged murderer of Thaîca Dorvil

Thaïca Dorvil, 25 years old, is the young woman whose lifeless body…

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Major seizure of firearms and ammunition in Port-de-Paix, the National Police confirms and gives more details

The police and judicial authorities of the city of Port-de-Paix have carried…

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Haiti-Security: Important seizure of ammunition and weapons in Port-de-Paix

The police and judicial authorities of the city of Port-de-Paix have carried…

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Haiti-Security: Several raids carried out by the National Police in recent days

The Haitian National Police has reported on the arrest last Sunday of…

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