Tag: ariel

Miembros de organizaciones populares pretenden frustrar el plan de Ariel Henri de visitar Gonaives el 1 de enero de 2022

Intento de incendio en Lama Cosmétique, este miércoles por la mañana, la…

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Members of popular organizations intend to defeat the plan of Ariel Henri to go to Gonaives on January 1, 2022

Attempted fire at Lama Cosmétique, this Wednesday morning, the private property of…

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Ne sont-ils pas des êtres de chair et de sang?

J' aime voir les tweets du Premier ministre haïtien, Ariel Henry, quand…

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Are they not beings of flesh and blood?

I like to see the tweets of the Haitian Prime Minister, Ariel…

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Ijan: Nan Gonayiv, yon ouvriye k ap travay nan konstriksyon stann ministeryèl la blese ak bal

Yon sitwayen yo poko konnen idantite l te tire e blese madi…

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