Tag: área

The university professor, Jean François Dorcé, kidnapped on Saturday in Tabarre

Armed bandits continue their dirty work, especially in the metropolitan area of…

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Teaching about Intergenerational Dynamics

  Introduction The concept of intergenerational dynamics is an examination of how…

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Disturbing death of Fernande Therogène, justice struggles to elucidate the facts

Fernande Therogène, a young merchant, reported missing since Sunday, January 2, 2022…

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O advogado Alténord Fritz morto a tiro ao volante do seu carro na Avenida Christophe

A escalada da violência continua na área metropolitana de Port-au-Prince. Após o…

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El abogado Alténord Fritz muere de un disparo al volante de su coche en la avenida Christophe

La escalada de violencia continúa en el área metropolitana de Puerto Príncipe.…

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