
Tag: 2021

USA-Haiti-Cooperation: New pledges from the US administration to support security and democracy in Haiti

Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols made…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

Instalación del CPT: La administración Biden promete su “pleno apoyo” al nuevo equipo

Unas 24 horas después de la instalación del Collège Présidentiel de Transition…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

Installation of the CPT: The Biden administration pledges its “full support” to the new team

About 24 hours after the installation of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT)…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

Publicación del decreto sobre la formación del Colegio Presidencial: Estados Unidos no ha tardado en reaccionar

Estados Unidos ha acogido con satisfacción la decisión del gobierno dimisionario de…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

Publication of the decree on the formation of the Presidential College: the United States was quick to react

The United States welcomed the decision of Ariel Henry's resigned government to…

Emmanuel Paul Emmanuel Paul

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