Rebound in the case of arms and ammunition seized in Port-de-Paix

CTN News

Nearly one month after the release of the investigation report by the Bureau of Financial and Economic Affairs (BAFE) on the seizure of the shipment of arms and ammunition in Port-de-Paix, Judge Paul Blanc, who administered the legal findings, is crying foul.

Speaking this Saturday, August 19, 2022 on the radio station Idéal FM, broadcasting from the metropolis of the North-West department, the Justice of the Peace of the Port-de-Paix Court of First Instance denounced a vast plot at the highest level of the State aimed at persecuting all those who facilitated the seizure of the shipment of ammunition and weapons.

After 31 years in the system, he claims that he is forced to take a step back due to persecution he is subjected to from the high level of the State.

According to the Majistrate, the current Director of the North West Police, Jean Bruce Myrtil is bringing the judicial system in the department to its knees. He confirms that on August 10, a police patrol burst into his office asking him to join the Director of the Departmental Police.

Fearing the worst, the Judge indicated that he had to leave the country. For Judge Paul Blanc, it is clear that there is something behind the ammunition discovered in Port-de-Paix. The judge wondered why even the shipowner Jonas Georges, who discovered the ammunition, was now in trouble.
It should be noted that the former Government Commissioner Michelet Virgile was arrested for forgery, suspicion of corruption, illegal trafficking of firearms and criminal association on July 12, 2022 on behalf of the BAFE and was transferred during the night of July 12 to 13 to the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ) in Port-au-Prince, for the necessary follow-up.

Subsequently, Mr. Robinson Pierre-Louis, secretary of the Port-au-Prince Bar Association and advisor to the Minister of Justice Bertho Dorcé, suffered the same fate before being imprisoned in the national penitentiary.
