On July 1, 2022, handguns, magazines, rifles and one hundred and twenty thousand (120,000) rounds of ammunition were discovered by customs agents in Port-de-Paix. These materials were transported on the ship Miss Lili One, from the United States, recalled the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH), which reveals that in the context of this case, the government commissioner of this jurisdiction Michelet Virgile would have received U.S. $ 200,000 to release two people who had been apprehended for their involvement in the trafficking of weapons and ammunition. These were Fritz Jean Relus, who was in charge of receiving part of the cargo, and Jonas Georges, who was presented as the owner of the ship.
The search of the boat Miss Lili One was conducted in the presence of its owner Jonas Georges, who, at the time of this operation, said he had paid the director of customs in Port-de-Paix, Nadège Rebbeca to avoid trouble, reported RNDDH, which stresses that Jonas Georges was arrested the same day for criminal association and illegal trafficking of firearms.
The human rights organization indicates that the government commissioner of Port-de-Paix, Mr. Michelet Virgile ordered, on July 6, 2022, the release of detainees Fritz Jean Relus and Jonas Georges. Their release was obtained following a lucrative financial transaction valued at more than two hundred thousand U.S. dollars. Several other members of the judicial system in Port-de-Paix were also bribed,” continued RNDDH.
In an attempt to save face, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security ordered the dismissal and arrest of CG Michelet Virgile. An attempt that is doomed to failure because of the departure ban and the wanted notice issued against Mr. Fritz Aubourg, Deputy Director of Judicial Affairs of the MJSP for forgery, corruption and criminal conspiracy and the arrest on July 22, 2022, of Mr. Robinson Pierre Louis, member of the cabinet of the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Mr. Bertho Dorcé, for forgery, suspected corruption, influence peddling and criminal conspiracy.
RNDDH emphasizes that Magistrate Michelet Virgile confirmed that Fritz Aubourg and Robinson Pierre Louis have put all their weight in the balance to obtain the release of the two alleged traffickers.
The National Human Rights Defense Network (RNDDH) encourages the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police to extend its investigations to financial crimes, including the laundering of assets related to the illegal trafficking of arms and ammunition in the country.
However, it reminds the DCPJ of its constitutional obligation to conduct all its investigations with respect for the rights to judicial guarantees and the human dignity of the individuals indexed.
Considering the involvement of members of the apparatus in this scandal, RNDDH invites the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) to seize the case of arms and ammunition trafficking in Port-de-Paix.