
Partial publication of the results of the 2021-2022 baccalaureate: participants can obtain their results online

CTN News

The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) has published the results of the single baccalaureate for 4 departments. These are the Centre, Grand’Anse, North-East, and North-West.

Of the four departments, the Northeast came in first with 70.33% or 2555 admitted out of 3633, followed by the Northwest with 60.04%, or 3691 admitted out of 6148. The Centre department came in third with a success rate of 56.67%, or 3071 admitted out of 5419, and the Grand’Anse came in fourth with 1609 admitted out of 3195, or a success rate of 50.36%.

For the North-East department, the commune of Mombin-crochu recorded the highest success rate: 96.03%. 145 of the 151 participants passed, followed by the trou du Nord: 80.03% for 553 admitted out of 691; Terrier Rouge: 75.66%: 286 admitted out of 378; Fort-Liberté 71.77% for 361 admitted out of 503 participants and the commune of Ouanaminthe came in fifth place with 63.35% for 1210 admitted out of 1910 participants

In the North-West, the commune of Jean Rabel came in first with 74.35%, 52.84% for Saint Louis Du Sud, 60.43% for Mole Saint Nicolas (1), 59.93% for Port-de-Paix (district 1), 56.19% for La Lortue, 50.84% for Mole Saint Nicolas (second district), and 39.26% for the second district of Port-de-Paix.

In the Center, the commune of Mirebalais is in the lead with 86.83%: second: Belladère: 85.89%; third: Lascahobas: 48.93%; and Hinche: 42.14%.
In Grand Anse, the commune of Dame Marie maintained its great performance with a success rate of 69.81%; Moron: 48.47%; Baumont: 47.42%; and Jeremie: 44.44%.

The results will be published shortly for the other departments according to the Ministry of National Education, which continues to innovate by allowing participants to have access to the results online on the Ministry’s website: https://menfp.gouv.ht