
Moving average of Covid 19 deaths rises again in Brazil

CTN News

According to the data collected, there was an average of 198 victims per day last week and the number of recorded cases is the highest since March. As of Monday, June 27, 2022, 147 Covid-19-related deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic to 670,606.

The average number of deaths over the past 7 days is 198, again approaching the 200 mark, indicating an upward trend for a fourth consecutive day. Cases of people testing positive for Coronavirus in the country are increasing with 59,944 new cases diagnosed in 24 hours for a total of 32,136,916 known cases since the beginning of the pandemic.

As a result, the moving average of cases over the last 7 days was 54,400, a +36% change in positive cases in two weeks. These statistics come from data collected by several media outlets from medical centers in the country.

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