Miragoâne: Two people shot, a police officer assaulted, an arrest, a vehicle and buildings set on fire

CTN News

A tense situation reigned this afternoon of Monday, October 3, 2022, in the locality of “Bouzi” located in the first communal section of Miragoâne. An altercation between a plainclothes policeman and a protester on a barricade degenerated. The protester, Louinera Junior Alyas Ti Ponyen, was shot in the abdomen and the police officer in question, Mackendy Derilus, was beaten by other angry protesters.

Reacting to ZoomHaitiNews, residents of “Kafou Bouzi”, criticized the brutal behavior of law enforcement officers who opened fire and launched tear gas in order to avenge their fellow victim. They also accused the police of having set fire to several barns and booths of the merchants of Chalon.

It should be noted that the national road #2 woke up under barricades this Monday, October 3, 2022. This paralyzed the traffic and pushed the establishments to keep their doors closed.
