Mexico: Caravans will continue in 2022 according to the Center for Law and Human Dignity

CTN News

The Center for Human Rights and Dignity in Mexico (CDDH) warned that the caravans will not end in this new year as long as Mexico, the United States, and Canada do not make migration policies that solve the needs of the inhabitants of the countries of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Luis García Villagrán, coordinator of the Center, mentioned that the caravans are the only way for the migrants to get out of Chiapas.

“On the question of the caravans at the moment, there is a pause and the truth is that I do not think that they will stop” he declared. He stressed that the caravans are not organized by human rights defenders or social organizations, but rather by the need of people to find a place away from poverty, insecurity and where they can be useful to society.
He assured that the immigration post “Siglo 21” continues to be the biggest obstacle for all migrants who hope to leave this border town.

“The caravans will continue to be the only way that migrants find to leave Tapachula and reach the northern states of the national territory where the Mexican authorities send them,” he added. He assured that the authorities were overwhelmed by the migratory flows that arrived in Tapachula last year and that not all of them received a response, because thousands of people were not able to obtain the pass to leave the city.
“The migrants continue to enter through the southern border and at some point they will organize again to leave in caravans, since they have already found a way to advance through the national territory,” he concluded.
It should be noted that during the year 2021, at least 10 caravans have left Tapachula to reach the center of the national territory, but only two have reached their goal. This, thanks to the support of human rights activists.
