Jean Rénald Dorcin, accused of involvement in the murder of police officer Johny Bricette, has been released by the Port-de-Paix court

CTN News

This is a new scandal in the Port-de-Paix jurisdiction. Indeed, Jean Rénald Dorcin, an influential member of the gang operating at the level of “Ti Bwadòm”, which specializes in kidnapping, has been released after spending two years behind bars.

Jean Rénald Dorcin was arrested in February 2020 in Croix-des-Bouquets in the Western Department for his alleged involvement in the murder of the police inspector of the commune of Bassin-Bleu, Jonnhy Bricette on July 7, 2019 inside the police station.

(Doccument annexe 1)
After spending 4 months at the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ), Jean Rénald Dorcin was transferred to
the civil prison of Port-de-Paix. It is there that the trial was to begin, according to court documents obtained by Zoomhaitinews.

At the time of the incarceration of Jean Renald Dorcin, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Port-de-Paix was headed by Commissioner Jean Volny Bellamin, who had ordered his detention on August 23, 2020, according to our sources.
(document annex 2)
On March 3 and April 23, 2022, at the Port-de-Paix Prosecutor’s Office, the alleged assassin Jean Ronald Dorcé was “released” by Judge Jean Mara Edouard following a favorable conclusion by the Port-de-Paix Government Commissioner, Virgil Michelet.
The case took another turn when Judge Jean Mara Edouard, who was investigating the crime, decided in his order to the prosecutor’s office to release the alleged criminal.
“Whereas the file of Jean Renald Dorcin, charged with murder on the person of Jonnhy Bricette, police inspector of Bassin Bleu was misplaced in the prosecutor’s office; whereas the accused is not responsible for this and that his detention is irregular, that it is therefore necessary to apply in his favor Article 80 of the code of criminal investigation. For these reasons, in accordance with the orders of the head of the prosecution and applying Article 80 of the Code of Criminal Investigation, Docin Jean Renaud is released from detention in the case of the murder of Jonhy Bricette, on the condition that he attends all the acts of the proceedings; orders the release of Dorcin Jean Renald if he is not held for any other reason,” wrote Investigating Judge Jean Mara Edouard in his order.
And since his release, the alleged assassin Jean Renald Dorcin has joined the “Ti Bwadòm” gang without delay to continue to terrorize the users of National Road number 5 linking Port-de-Paix and Gonaïves through the hijacking of buses and the kidnapping of passengers.
The case is causing a stir in the Port-de-Paix jurisdiction. To date, there has been no reaction from the Ministry of Justice, the Superior Council of the Judiciary, or the Port-de-Paix Bar Association.
When contacted by Zoomhaitinews, the deputy commissioner of Port-de-Paix, Mr. Géïr Pierre, who ordered the arrest of Jean Renald Dorcin in February 2020 when he was sitting in the Croix-des-Bouquets prosecutor’s office, and who has been in office since March 3, 2022, in the Port-de-Paix jurisdiction, refrained from expressing any opinion or comment on this spectacular and scandalous release.
It must be said that this scandal has further tarnished the image of justice in Port-de-Paix, where bargaining, corruption, and the disappearance of files are commonplace.
