
Honduras-Migration: New caravans are already organizing for the United State

CTN News

The situation that prevails in Honduras after the last elections and the dismissals made by the new administration are among the factors that will push migrants to other skies, especially the United States, said the human rights activist Itsmania Platero.

There are thousands of candidates for emigration during this year, according to Itsmania Platero, adding that the insecurity that is taking hold in the country with the proliferation of armed gangs that terrorize Hondurans is also a significant factor.

“A first caravan of 2,500 migrants is expected to leave Honduras next week,” said Platero, who estimates that in addition to the mass exodus, nearly 200 people leave Honduras every day, transiting through Guatemala and Mexico in an attempt to reach the United States.

These people will leave from San Pedro Sula, where the first caravan left the country in 2019.

Apart from, the American dream, the human rights defender indicated that his compatriots want to move to Mexico because of the job offers of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

To stem the flow of migrants to the Central American country, Itsmania Platero advocates improving the quality of life and restoring the security climate.

Joe Biden’s administration has already deported thousands of people who were trying to enter the United States illegally. This week, the U.S. government decided to continue implementing the “Stay in Mexico” policy adopted by former President Donald Trump.

A decision criticized by many immigrant rights activists.

Ducasse Mackendy