CTN Websites and Blogs

We have reporters in all of the 10 geographic departments in Haiti reporting in real time to inform you about every event happening in Haiti. We also have reporters in the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Canada, and France.

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Zoom Haiti News

Zoom Haiti News main website. We publish content in French and Haitian Creole - also auto-translated in over 100 languages.


Zoom Haiti News Kreyol Ayisyen

Zoom Haiti News Kreyol Ayisyen features our top content - daily digest, published in Haitian Creole.


Zoom Haiti News English

Zoom Haiti News English features our top content - daily digest, translated into English.

Zoom Haiti News Español

Zoom Haiti News Es features our top content - daily digest, translated into Spanish.

Brazil country flag

Zoom Haiti News Português

Zoom Haiti News Portuguese features our top content - daily digest, published in Portuguese.

Zoom Haiti News Video

Zoom Haiti News Video features our top video content - daily digest, curated from our video properties. (YouTube Channels , TV Channels and social profiles).

Haiti Emblem

ZapZap Info

The Haitian Culture in all its splendor! - Cultural News from Haiti and around the world in English - French and Spanish.



Sports news from Haiti and around the world in English - French, and Spanish.

At the Caribbean Television Network: It's about all of Us!