Haiti-Health: Three public hospitals are on strike, the MSPP has no solution

CTN News

The socio-political and economic crisis in which the country is sinking greatly affects several sectors of activity including the Haitian health system where support staff of several public hospitals have been on strike for three to four weeks to denounce the conditions in which these health institutions operate.

The Justinien University Hospital in Cap-Haitien, the University Hospital of Peace in Delmas, and the University Hospital of Haiti in Port-au-Prince are the three public health institutions that have been on strike for several weeks to demand that the authorities of the Ministry of Public Health take adequate measures to ensure the proper functioning of these hospitals.
of these hospitals.
The president of the union of employees of the support staff of the HUEH Evelyne Fremont blasted the behavior of the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Alex Larsen, who has not taken any measures to remedy this situation.

A patient suffering from pneumonia has breathed his last at the General Hospital for lack of appropriate medical care, said a forty-year-old woman found on the hospital’s courtyard, saying that the largest public university hospital in the country
is not the priority of the authorities.
The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Alex Larsen organized a meeting last week with the employees of the support staff of the HUEH around the structural and administrative problems facing the health establishment. A process that did not produce the expected results.

The striking employees of these three hospitals affirm that they maintain their movement until the satisfaction of their demands with notably the activation of debit cards, the improvement of working conditions and an adjustment of salary.
