Decree on the formation of the Presidential College finally published in Haiti’s official Journal after weeks of uncertainty

Emmanuel Paul
Emmanuel Paul - Journalist/ Storyteller

After several weeks of uncertainty, Ariel Henry’s resigning government has finally published the decree on the formation of the Collège Présidentiel. This action marks a decisive step towards the establishment of a transitional government that will take the reins of the country in the coming days.
The long-awaited decree lays the foundations for a new interim administration responsible for preparing and organizing free, fair and transparent elections, while ensuring stability and national security.

While the publication of the decree is an important milestone, the challenges ahead remain considerable.
The seven members of the Presidential College will now have to hold an internal vote to elect their president.

Among them, at least four have expressed their intention to run for the position, including former senators Edgard Leblanc Fils and Louis Gérald Gilles, economist Fritz Jean, and architect Lesly Voltaire.
The Collège Présidentiel will also select the next Prime Minister, who will form the new government. In accordance with the terms of the agreement signed between the country’s various sectors, the Collège Présidentiel is made up of nine members, including two observers, proposed by various political organizations, the business sector, civil society and the religious sector, among others.

This crucial step in Haiti’s political transition process aims to put an end to the political instability that has reigned in the country since 2017.

The interim administration will have 22 months to organize general elections and implement the reforms needed to strengthen democratic institutions and guarantee the rule of law, according to the terms of the agreement between the parties represented on the Conseil Politique de Transition (CPT).
